- Please arrive at the venue at the indicated time
- Please contact our team in case of any delay in arrival
- Seating will be released 15 mins after the show starts for events prior to 20:00 hours and at 21:15 hours for night events if we do not have prior information of your late arrival
- Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable
- Venue holds the right to admission
- Children below the age of 18 are not allowed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 19:00 hours till closing
- Food and beverages (including alcohol) from outside the premises will not be permitted inside

Critically acclaimed pianist/singer/composer, Tizaan Alphonso has a deep and personal connection with music, strongly connected within his family. Having musicians for parents, making music just feels like being home, where-ever he is. If he could, Tizaan Alphonso would become the Freddie-Mercury-of-Jazz, or claim to be Herbie Hancock's long lost son. He jokes about these things, yet it is deadly serious. Soul and Funk music has been with him like an extra parent, raising him to this day.​ After Tizaan Alphonso’s debut album "Feel It" (2020) and his attempt to revive the glory of Soul, RnB and Funk, Tizaan received praise from the press at home, the USA and India. "Give in to the Natural Jazzy Groove of Tizaan Alphonso's, New Album 'Feel It' " - Buzz Music (USA) "Tizaan Alphonso showcases extraordinary experimental Jazz on his debut LP ‘'Feel It’" - Rolling Stone Magazine (India)

Tizaan Alphonso

Giorgio Stienstra

Daan Gisolf

Gregor Oehlmann

Sondre Kvingedal

Joey Schins

Alexandra Soupourtzi Michalaki